Dear Columbine Community,

Columbine photo by Sheila Silfvenius, WPSD employee

Columbine photo by Sheila Silfvenius, WPSD employee

It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome you all to Columbine!

Our school truly functions as a family within our Columbine community. I would like to recognize the positive culture, caring staff members, and supportive parents who make up our community.

A great foundation of educational value and teamwork supports the internal structure that encompasses our students’ self-efficacy. All staff members work together to ensure that our students feel welcome and are successful.

Our parents are always encouraged to share our experiences. We truly appreciate the support and love that our parents give their children; this partnership completes our Columbine Community.

Working together to do what’s best for our children is always in the heart of every decision.

Looking forward to a wonderful year,


Ginger Slocum, Principal